Accessories for AC drives

This page contains an overview of accessories available for Yaskawa AC drives. Find out about product compatibility, and download the manuals and settings files you need to get started.

Communication options

Multi-protocol Ethernet Option - JOHB-SMP3

The Multi-Protocol Ethernet option card (JOHB-SMP3) is a single circuit board option card for Yaskawa AC drives that contains multiple Ethernet protocols.

Protocol Compatible Drive Series
EtherCAT A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]
EtherNet/IP A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]
ProfiNet A1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]
Modbus TCP/IP A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]


CANopen - SI-S3, SI-S3/V

Use these manuals and device description files to install and set up your option card to work on a CANopen network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-S3/V V1000


Processing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descending
SI-S3 CANopen Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-85E Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-S3 CANopen Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-85E Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-S3/V CANopen Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-24D Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-S3/V CANopen Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-24C Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
EDS Files for SI-S3 and SI-S3/V | S3101
CANopen Configuration Files (EDS Files) for V1000 and A1000 drives with SI-S3 option board using firmware version 8.3. This option board is supplied in the SI-S3 and SI-S3/V option kit, with the program label stating S3101 or lower. Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-S3 and SI-S3/V | S3102
CANopen Configuration Files (EDS Files) for V1000 and A1000 drives with SI-S3 option board using firmware version 8.3. This option board is supplied in the SI-S3 and SI-S3/V option kit, with the program label stating S3102. Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-S3 and SI-S3/V | S3103
CANopen Configuration Files (EDS Files) for V1000 and A1000 drives with SI-S3 option board using firmware version 8.3. This option board is supplied in the SI-S3 and SI-S3/V option kit, with the program label stating S3103 or higher. Settings file |
Settings file

CC-Link - SI-C3, SI-C3/V

Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a CC-Link network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-C3/V V1000


Processing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descending
SI-C3 CC-Link Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-83E Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-C3 CC-Link Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-83E Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-C3/V CC-Link Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-22C Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-C3/V CC-Link Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-22C Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English

DeviceNet - SI-N3, SI-N3/V

Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a DeviceNet network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-N3/V V1000


Processing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descending
SI-N3 DeviceNet Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-84G Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-N3 DeviceNet Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-84G Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-N3/V DeviceNet Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-28D Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-N3/V DeviceNet Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-28B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0002 | FW VST901101
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901101 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0003 | FW VST901102
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901102 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0008 | FW VST901107
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901107 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0016 | FW VST901115
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901115 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0017 | FW VST9011016
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901116 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0004 | FW VST901103
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901103 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0005 | FW VST901104
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901104 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0006 | FW VST901105
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901105 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0007 | FW VST901106
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901106 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0009 | FW VST901108
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901108 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0010 | FW VST901109
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901109 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0011 | FW VST901110
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901110 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0012 | FW VST901111
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST90111 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V | Version 1.0013 | FW VST901112
DeviceNet Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-N3 and Si-N3/V option card Firmware VST901112 Settings file |
Settings file

EtherCAT - SI-ES3, SI-ES3/V

Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a EtherCAT network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000
GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-ES3/V V1000


Processing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descending
SI-ES3 & SI-ES3/V EtherCAT Option for AC Drives and Regenerative Units | Installation Manual
TOEP-YEUOEC1_01A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-ES3 & SI-ES3/V EtherCAT Option for AC Drives and Regenerative Units | Technical Manual
SIEP-C710616-99F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
ESI Files for SI-ES3
EtherCAT Configuration Files (ESI Files) for all 1000-Series drives, GA700, GA500, CR700 and regenerative units Settings file |
Settings file
ESI Files for EUOP-SI-ES3
EtherCAT Configuration Files (ESI Files) for A1000, V1000, T1000A/V inverter drives Settings file |
Settings file

Ethernet/IP - SI-EN3, SI-EN3/V, SI-EN3D, SI-EN3D/V

Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on an EtherNet/IP network and the EDS files to configure your option card on an EtherNet/IP network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-EN3/V V1000
SI-EN3D A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]
SI-EN3D/V V1000


Processing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descending
SI-EN3 Ethernet/IP Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-92F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EN3 Ethernet/IP Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-92F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EN3/V Ethernet/IP Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-60C Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EN3/V Ethernet/IP Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-60B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EN3D Ethernet/IP Dualport Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOEP-C730600-0DB Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EN3D Ethernet/IP Dualport Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-0DB Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EN3D/V Ethernet/IP Dualport Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOEP-YAICOM-15A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EN3D/V Ethernet/IP Dualport Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-YAICOM-15A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
EDS Files for SI-EN3/V | Version 1.01 | FW VST800220
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST800220 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V | Version 2.002 | FW VST800341
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V option card Firmware VST800341 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V | Version 2.003 | FW VST800342
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V option card Firmware VST800342 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V | Version 2.004 | FW VST800343
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V option card Firmware VST800343 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V | Version 2.005 | FW VST800344
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V option card Firmware VST800344 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V | Version 2.006 | FW VST800345
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V option card Firmware VST800345 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V | Version 2.007 | FW VST800346
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V option card Firmware VST800346 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V | Version 2.008 | FW VST800348
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3D and SI-EN3D/V option card Firmware VST800348 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.003 | FW VST800222
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST800222 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.005 | FW VST800224 / VST904100
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST800224 / VST904100 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.006 | FW VST904101
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST904101 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.007 | FW VST904102
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST904102 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.008 | FW VST904103
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST904103 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.010 | FW VST904105
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST904105 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.011 | FW VST904106
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST904106 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.012 | FW VST904108
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST904108 Settings file |
Settings file
EDS Files for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V | Version 1.02 | FW VST800221
EtherNet/IP Configuration Files (EDS Files) for SI-EN3 and SI-EN3/V option card Firmware VST800221 Settings file |
Settings file


Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a MECHATROLINK-II network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-T3/V V1000


Processing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descending
SI-T3 Mechatrolink-II Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-86G Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-T3 Mechatrolink-II Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-86F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-T3 Mechatrolink-II Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual ERRATA
EZZ020938 Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-T3/V Mechatrolink-II Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-49A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-T3/V Mechatrolink-II Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-49A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-T3/V Mechatrolink-II Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual ERRATA
EZZ020937 Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English


Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a MECHATROLINK-III network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]




Processing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descending
SI-ET3 Mechatrolink-III Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-88F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-ET3 Mechatrolink-III Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-88F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-ET3/V Mechatrolink-III Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-63C Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-ET3/V Mechatrolink-III Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-63B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English

Modbus TCP/IP - SI-EM3, SI-EM3/V, SI-EM3D, SI-EM3D/V

Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a Modbus TCP/IP network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-EM3/V V1000
SI-EM3D A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]
SI-EM3D/V V1000


Processing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descendingProcessing...Enter name, description, product or keywordsShowing _START_ – _END_ / _TOTAL_ recordsfiltered from _MAX_ recordsNo recordsNo recordsFirstLastSort ascendingSort descending
SI-EM3 Modbus TCP Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-91F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EM3 Modbus TCP Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-57A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EM3/V Modbus Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-59B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EM3/V Modbus Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-59B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English

Powerlink - SI-EL3, SI-EL3/V

Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a Powerlink network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-EL3/V V1000


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SI-EL3 Powerlink Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOEP-C710616-87D Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EL3 Powerlink Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C710616-86D Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English


Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a PROFIBUS-DP network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-P3/V V1000


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SI-P3 Profibus-DP Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-82G Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-P3 Profibus-DP Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-82F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-P3/V Profibus-DP Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-23E Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-P3/V Profibus-DP Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-23A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English


Use these manuals to install and set up your option card to work on a PROFINET network.

Option Card Compatible Drive Series

A1000, D1000, R1000, U1000
CR700, GA700, GA500 [JOHB-GA50 required]

SI-EP3/V V1000


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SI-EP3 PROFINET Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-89F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EP3 PROFINET Option for AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-C730600-89F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EP3/V PROFINET Option for V1000 AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOEP-YEACOM-06A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
SI-EP3/V PROFINET Option for V1000 AC Drives | Technical Manual
SIEP-YEACOM-06A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
GSDML Files fo SI-EP3 SI-EP3/V
Profinet Configuration Files (GSDML) Settings file |
Settings file

I/O options

Analog and digital in-/outputs

AI-A3 allows to input a high resolution analog signal to the drive. The option card terminals can be set up in two ways. Separate functions for each terminal: Use the multi-function analog input terminals on the option card instead of the drive analog input terminals for a higher resolution signal. Combined input: The drive adds all signals input to the option card terminals to build the frequency reference.

AO-A3 expands the number of analog outputs used to monitor drive performance (output frequency, output current, etc.). The channel functions gain and bias can easily be adjusted by drive parameters.

DI-A3 is used to set the speed reference using binary coded digital inputs.

DO-A3 expands the number of digital outputs used to monitor drive operation status (alarm signals, zero speed detection, etc.). This option card provides 8 outputs: 6 photocoupler outputs and 2 relay outputs.

Option Type Compatible Drive Series


A1000, T1000A, GA700, CR700



A1000, L1000A, T1000A, GA700, CR700



A1000, L1000A, T1000A, GA700, CR700



A1000, L1000A, T1000A, GA700, CR700


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AI-A3 Analog Input Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-38A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
AO-A3 Analog Ouput Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
No. TOBP-C730600-40A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
DI-A3 Digital Input Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-39A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
DO-A3 Digital Output Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-41A Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English

Motor feedback options

PG boards

By installing the PG-B3 option card to a drive, the drive is able to read a feedback signal send from a pulse generator (PG of 50 kHz) attached to the motor. This PG signal lets the drive know about any subtle variations in the load, and provides the drive with the data necessary for controlling the output frequency to maintain constant speed with a high degree of accuracy

The PG-RT3 Option enables the user to connect to a resolver that meets Yaskawa's specifications such as the TS2640N321E64 made by Tamagawa Seiki Co., Ltd. This option facilitates motor speed feedback to the drive and takes advantage of Closed Loop Vector control for PM Motors. The option increases control accuracy and performance.

By installing the PG-X3 option card to a drive, the drive is able to read a feedback signal send from a pulse generator (PG of 300 kHz) attached to the motor. This PG signal lets the drive know about any subtle variations in the load, and provides the drive with the data necessary for controlling the output frequency to maintain constant speed with a high degree of accuracy.

Option Compatible Drive Series

A1000, GA700, CR700

PG-F3 A1000, L1000A, U1000, GA700, LA700

L1000A, GA700, CR700


A1000, L1000A, GA700, CR700


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PG-B3 Complementary PG Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-36D Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
PG-F3 Motor Encoder Feedback Interface Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
EnDat, HIPERFACE, TOBP-C730600-77C, formerly TOBP-C730600-51 Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
PG-RT3 Resolver Interface Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
Spec. TS2640N321E64, TOBP-C730600-53B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
PG-X3 Line Driver Type PG Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-37C Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English


LED and LCD Operator

The JVOP-180 LCD Operator allows the drive to be operated from a remote location up to 3 meters and provides a 16-character, 5-line alpha-numeric multi-language LC display. It allows the user to view parameter descriptions and parameter numbers making it easy to make changes without referring to a manual.

The JVOP-182 LED Operator allows the drive to be operated from a remote location up to 3 meters.

The KPLCA04 LCD keypad comes standard with the GA700 and CR700, and can be remote mounted by using one of the panel mount kits. It can also be attached directly to the GA500 by using an adapter kit.

The KPLCC04 LCD keypad comes with Bluetooth support, and is suitable for GA700 and CR700, and can be remote mounted by using one of the panel mount kits. It can also be attached directly to the GA500 by using an adapter kit.

The KPLEA04 LED keypad can be remote mounted by using one of the panel mount kits.

Option Type Compatible Drive Series


A1000, V1000



A1000, V1000, J1000



CR700, GA700
GA500 [adapter required]


LCD with Bluetooth

CR700, GA700
GA500 [adapter required]



CR700, GA700
GA500 [adapter required]


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JVOP-180 LCD Operator Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-29B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
JVOP-182 LED Operator Option for AC Drives | Installation Manual
TOBP-C730600-35B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
JVOP-KPLCA04 LCD Keypad for AC Drives | Installation Manual
JVOP-KPLCA04Axx, JVOP-KPLCA04Mxx, JVOP-KPLCA04Kxx; TOEP-C730600-97C Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
JVOP-KPLCC04 Bluetooth LCD Keypad for AC Drives | Installation Manual
JVOP-KPLCC04Axx, JVOP-KPLCC04Mxx; TOEP-C730600-94F Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English
JVOP-KPLEA04 LED Keypad for AC Drives | Installation Manual
JVOP-KPLEA04Axx, JVOP-KPLEA04Mxx; TOEP-C730600-74D Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English

Other options

USB copy unit - JVOP-181

Allows a 1000 series drive to connect to the USB port on a PC. Can read, copy and verify drive parameter settings from one drive to another like drive.

Option Compatible Drive Series

A1000, V1000
J1000 [SI-232/J required]
D1000, R1000, U1000
L1000A, L1000V, T1000A, T1000V
GA700, GA500, CR700


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JVOP-181 USB Copy Unit for AC Drives | Technical Manual
TOBP-C730600-25B Technical documentation | English
Technical documentation English